Heon: A Modern Typeface for Large Neon Sign Displays

Categories Display
Tags Geometric   Neon  
Designer : Dae 84
License: Free for commercial use
Files: 3 Size: 6 KB
Views: 163 Downloads: 1
WebSite: https://www.behance.net/dae84

Heon is a modern typeface for large neon sign displays. The font has a futuristic look and is suitable for headlines, posters and technical typography.


---- LEEME ----
Esta fuente se puede distribuir libremente y es gratuita para todos los usos comerciales y no comerciales, DARLE BUEN USO.

Se le agradecer�a, si es posible, la donaci�n para seguir creando nuevas fuente, ya que crearlas es agotador y consume muchos recursos. Puede donar hasta un dolar. Cualquier cantidad ser� bien recibida. Puedes hacerlo en el bot�n que dice DONAR AL AUTOR cuando vayas a descargar la fuente.

---- READ ME ----
This font is freely distributable and free for all commercial and non-commercial uses, USE IT GOOD.

It would be appreciated, if possible, the donation to continue creating new sources since, creating them is exhausting and consumes many resources. You can donate up to one dollar. Any amount will be well received.You can do it on the button that says DONATE TO THE AUTHOR when you go to download the source.


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# File name Size Download
1 Heon.ttf 10 KB Download
2 READ-ME---LEEME.html 2 KB Download
3 READ-ME---LEEME.txt 870 bytes Download