Submit a Font

Font Submission Terms

When submitting a font to FontsWebSite, you agree to comply with the following terms.

Font File

Your submission must be in .zip format and should contain fonts of only one font family. Any further included files should be restricted to possible licensing information in an easy readable format such as TXT or PDF and some illustrations to show off the font in action.


The submitted font may not violate any copyrights. This is especially important for the name of the font, which could violate trademarks or be in conflict with the name of another public font. Just as important, any default preview image generated from your submitted font may not violate any trademarks, like company logos.


The submitted font must comply with the License Terms. In short, the font must at least be free for personal use and be allowed to be freely copied and passed along to other individuals for private use.


If you are not the author of the submitted font, you must have permission by the copyright holder to publish this font on FontsWebSite.


For the sake of clarity, it is advisable but not necessary to include licensing information in the .zip file in an easy readable format such as TXT or PDF. The license should ideally specificy terms for commercial use, modification and redistribution of the font. If you don't want to write your own terms, no problem. FontsWebSite offers a set of standard licenses to choose from once your submission has been sent.


By submitting a font, you acknowledge that your submission complies with these terms. All submissions will be reviewed and when published if it meet the terms.